Control of bird pests such as rooks, pigeons, starlings and crows is becoming an increasing problem in Polish agriculture. These birds cause significant losses in crops, eating seeds, young plants and fruits. As a result, farmers are looking for effective methods to minimize their negative impact on crops.
One way to combat bird pests is to use various types of scarecrows, which are designed to scare birds away from crop fields. Other methods include the use of protective nets that prevent birds from accessing plants, or the use of predators such as owls or hawks that hunt pests. It is also worth mentioning biological plant protection products, such as pheromones or preparations based on natural substances, which can reduce the number of bird pests.
However, it is important to keep nature conservation in mind and not use methods that can harm birds that are not pests. That's why it's a good idea to use the services of specialists who can advise on the right solutions for your specific situation. In this way, you can effectively protect crops from bird pests, while ensuring the balance of the ecosystem.